Counseling for Parents & Adolescence

Whether you added to your family by birth, adoption, or through a relationship, you have a kid or kids in your life and may be searching for some help. Children are curious creatures. They start off tiny and in need of full assistance. Then, in no time, they are crawling around and getting into EVERYTHING. You blink, then they are talking to you, maybe with their own opinions, perhaps very argumentative opinions… Yet, these are milestones we look forward too and perhaps read/watched videos about and couldn’t wait for.

Parenting has no manual to prep you for all the hoops and hollers that come with that bundle of joy. As the old saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a kid.” That’s because it truly is no easy task, especially when you tack on outside stressors like the pandemic, school problems, bully problems or your own parents questioning what you’re doing.

Feeling lost, helpless or clueless are some of the well-known “side-effects” for parenting. Luckily, you’re not alone! Maybe your kid has used those hurtful words “I hate you” recently in the middle of the store when you wouldn’t give in to the thing they wanted. Perhaps your child’s teacher is concerned about the way your child behaves at school and you feel at a loss since you can’t be there to figure out what’s going on.

Perhaps you are doing e-learning with your child due to the Covid-19 pandemic and don’t know how to effectively work with your child and feel like you spend more time yelling at them and battling them than you do teaching or helping them. This has not been an easy transition for a lot of parents. Change can bring a lot of stress and frustration, however, that doesn’t mean you are stuck like this. That certainly doesn’t indicate you have failed. In fact, seeing you are actively looking for answers for help, indicates you are doing great as a parent!

Your bathroom shouldn’t be your only sanctuary from the chaos the kids have going on beyond that locked door. Date nights shouldn’t be a thing of the past because you fear how poorly your child will behave with a sitter. Parenting is no “drive in the park” because of all the challenges, some fun, some not-so-fun. No matter your struggle with having a healthy relationship with your child, I can make it easier.

Struggle no further. Give a fresh start to your parenting experience with my help.

I offer online therapy, which means you can receive therapy from where you feel most comfortable.

No more physical visits to the clinic, no concerns of Covid, and no concerns of having to take extra time off work for travel/traffic time. For more details, feel free to contact me and book and an appointment.